Seattle Squared Art Show and Book Release – Axis Gallery: August 4th, 2016

Curated by BHerd, Seattle Squared is the culmination of eight years of running a gallery, curating shows and events, and wanting to promote and further the beauty, talent, and thoughtfulness of the Seattle art scene. Each artist participating received a square panel to create a new piece of work for this exhibit, which will also be featured in a limited edition collectible book designed by Sarra Scherb of Brass Archer Media.
Featuring the talents of: Adam 1, Amanda Stalter, Braden Duncan, Brian White, CASH, Christopher J. Olson, Chris Sheridan, David Francis, DKOY, Ego, Gabriel Marquez, Jeff Jacobson, Jeff Mihalyo, Jeremy Gregory, Joe Vollan, John Osgood, Justin Hilgrove, Kari-Lise Alexander, Kate Protage, Kellie Talbot, Megon Shoreclay, Michelle Anderst, Miguel Edwards, Nichole DeMent, Robert Hardgrave, Roy Powell, Seb Barnett, Sensei23, Siolo Thompson, Stephen Rock, Troy Gua and Zachary Bohnenkamp.

Why Seattle Squared?

It’s what we believe brought us the valued community that we have been so grateful to have been a part of and to have called our family. When you square something in math you multiply a number by itself. This is truly how you create a revolution. Whatever your cause, you cannot do it by yourself, you must square yourself to make a difference. While we are leaving our community, we know that others have been working on the same mission and the Seattle art scene is rich with talented artists and art promoters.

Time Traveler’s Breath

Decked Out -Pacific Bonsai Museum: April 2016

Decked-Out: From Scroll to Skateboard  

April 30—October 2, 2016    

The traditional environment for displaying a bonsai in Japan is a small interior alcove called a tokonoma. Much like the mantel above a fireplace, the tokonoma is a room’s focal point where cherished art and objects are displayed. A tokonoma display consists of three elements: a bonsai, a hanging scroll, and a small accent plant or art object. The role of the scroll is to anchor the display both visually and thematically. Decked-Out aspires to reinterpret the traditional hanging scroll used in bonsai displays with modern skate deck art.

Decked-Out: From Scroll to Skateboard features 16 tokonoma style displays, each with a custom skate deck painted by the Pacific Northwest’s most talented urban muralists.  Artists are paired with a bonsai to create a work that combines traditional motifs and modern graffiti styles, as a new interpretation of bonsai display is established. Don’t miss this groundbreaking exhibit as the ancient beauty of bonsai collides with the emerging street art movement for the very first time.

Drop by Drop: Friday, November 14th, 2014

Drop by Drop at Bherd Studios

An Epic Group Show featuring a bevy of PNW urban and contemporary artists who have exhibited at Bherd over the years. While the show is unthemed, the artists invited are the inspiration and include: Michelle Anderst, Curtis Ashby, Debbie Bianchi, Zach Bohnenkamp, Greg Boudreau, Jenn Brisson, Jenny Dayton, Nichole DeMent, Braden Duncan, Miguel Edwards, Ego, Marty Gordon, Jeremy Gregory, Troy Gua, Aaron Jasinki, Lucien Knuteson, Larkin, Ryan Molenkamp, Ninjagrl, Chris Olson, Kate Protage, Sensei 23, Chris Sheridan, Megon Shore, Solace, Kellie Talbot, Siolo Thompson, Dan Voelker, Joe Vollan and Brian White.

We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.
– Ray Bradbury

Makeshift Friends for the Lonely