Drop by Drop at Bherd Studios
An Epic Group Show featuring a bevy of PNW urban and contemporary artists who have exhibited at Bherd over the years. While the show is unthemed, the artists invited are the inspiration and include: Michelle Anderst, Curtis Ashby, Debbie Bianchi, Zach Bohnenkamp, Greg Boudreau, Jenn Brisson, Jenny Dayton, Nichole DeMent, Braden Duncan, Miguel Edwards, Ego, Marty Gordon, Jeremy Gregory, Troy Gua, Aaron Jasinki, Lucien Knuteson, Larkin, Ryan Molenkamp, Ninjagrl, Chris Olson, Kate Protage, Sensei 23, Chris Sheridan, Megon Shore, Solace, Kellie Talbot, Siolo Thompson, Dan Voelker, Joe Vollan and Brian White.
We cannot tell the precise moment when friendship is formed. As in filling a vessel drop by drop, there is at last a drop which makes it run over; so in a series of kindnesses there is at last one which makes the heart run over.
– Ray Bradbury